Yoga Play
A fun, challengine class where we work up to a particular pose and just play, feel into and connect with our mind and body!

Slow and Gentle
A super gentle, flowing class to help you ease tension, calm your mind and connect to yourself!

Restorative Yoga
Super gentle.. this class we hold poses for longer however fully supported with props. An intentional restful space for you to relax, recharge and take time out for you!

Chair Yoga
Super super gentle yoga using the chair to bring the floor up to you making your practice even more accesible whether you have mobility challenges or are working in the office!

Weighted Yoga
A session where 1kg weights are added to your wrists/ankles to enhance the strengthening and stability of your practice. Towards the end we remove them and you will FLY! It's truly magical!

Stretch and Strengthen Back Yoga
A gentle class targeting relaxing and releasing tightness and strain to help those with lower back pain. No complicated pretzels, just good old fashioned relief!

Private Lessons
1 on 1 with me to practice any style of yoga you choose, to dive deeper into your practice or just to gain confidence in the basics! Your choice :-)

Special Events
From time to time we will run retreats or special events!! Stay tuned and keep up to date by becoming a member!!